








©Robert Charles Burnham


There is a Harvest to be gathered

There are many rows to hoe

From high up on the mountaintop

To the deepest valleys below

Within every nation where man exists

Evil needs to be undone

For many people still walk the earth

With no knowledge of The Son


There is a Harvest yet to be complete

Before we can lay down our arms

We must push the Devil into retreat

And preach the Gospel and the Psalms

It takes more than a David or a John

Though both their hearts were true

It takes all men and women of Christianity

To ensure that the message gets through


There is a Harvest and its time is now

Before Satan burns the field

It is our loved ones among the crops

Who the Devil aims to steal

Pick up your hearts and preach His Word

For we are God's chosen crew

Because the Harvest is so very plentiful

And the workers are so very few

Email Robert: Robert@SownSeed.com